We’ve moved on from swim lessons to gym class at our local Rolly Pollies but we still regularly take trips to the pool since she loves to swim so much. From the second she discovered kicking those little legs propels her forward, she is rearing to go as soon as she hits the water.
Oh, and Dakota finally sleeps through the night! It took a bit of sleep training (Ferber) which I was admittedly dragging my feet on. Something about leaving our sweet girl to cry alone in her crib really tugged at my heartstrings. Luckily, she cried for less than 15 minutes before bed one night and at her nap the next day and that was it! Now baby girl happily sleeps at least 11 hours a night and takes a solid afternoon nap every day. It’s insane how much of our lives (and sanity!) we’ve gotten back and Dakota seems in much better spirits now too.