Always on the move, Dakota alternates between running, waddling, “jumping,” and her signature Dakota shuffle. She can say several handfuls of words, identifies colors, shapes and animals, and loves singing (okay, humming) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
We enjoy at least one tea party a day and Dakota has become quite the coloring fiend. She’s developed a penchant for hats, scarves, handbags and shoes. She also adores copying the older girls around her (gym class, music class, neighborhood playgrounds) but still refers to all kids as “babies.”
Dakota is certainly becoming more mischievous too. With a devilish smile she enjoys throwing food she dislikes on the floor and yelling ‘no!” or pulling mama’s hair. It’s hard to be upset about all that sass since she is just so stinking cute! She also more than makes up for it with her delight in helping to clean the house, sweeping and dusting everything in sight including the cats!
Beautiful ray of pure sunshine..