It’s hard to believe Nora is six months old already! We can already tell she’s a kinetic little human. Never one to be contained, she’s army crawling all over the place! She’s not quite sitting up unassisted yet but that’s because she’s too preoccupied trying to MOVE.
Nora is assertive, adventurous and curious. As soon as she sees something she wants, she lunges for it and immediately tastes it. We really have to keep a close eye on her. She’s definitely a handful already!
She also has the same adorable little habit as her older sister of scrunching up her face and making a snorting sound. Apparently mama did that as a baby too…
Likes: kisses and tickles all over her body, wiggling, army crawling, baby push-ups, giggling at her sister’s silliness, pulling her sister’s hair, and tasting EVERYTHING (toys, fingers, toes, table legs, kitchen cabinets… you name it)
Dislikes: her car seat (the constraints!), being tossed in the air, if whoever is holding her sits down / relaxes in any sort of way, and being separated from mama when mama is standing in the same room