This holiday season has been especially heartwarming since it is the first year Dakota has been able to fully appreciate everything the holidays have to offer.
The weeks leading up to December 25 have been full of building gingerbread houses, baking cookies, hanging stockings, watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, and counting down the days until Santa comes to visit. To see our sweet girl’s face light up when we turn the lights on the Christmas tree or her eyes widen when she recites little Cindy Lou Hoo’s lines from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas has been truly magical.
It’s been a while since either Alex or I have been able to see the holidays through the lens of childlike wonder. That’s been one of the most surprisingly beautiful things about becoming parents.
As we wait just a short while until our next little bundle arrives (7 weeks has never felt so far off!), we decided to capture this year’s holiday memories in some matching jammies (who could resist?)