We were a little nervous for Dakota’s first flight but she couldn’t have done any better! Technically Dakota was a lap baby but traveling both ways we lucked into flights that weren’t full so we had an entire row to ourselves. Now that she’s on the move, Dakota can barely stand to keep still for a single second and the fact that she could crawl back and forth from mama to dada was our savior.
She napped about an hour on each flight (which was honestly the best we could have hoped for) and we filled the rest of her time with a couple new toys, books, stickers, and snacks, snacks, snacks! I had downloaded a couple iPad apps just in case but luckily we never had to use them (we follow a pretty strict no screens rule I wasn’t looking forward to breaking). Dakota’s favorite “toy” was the airline safety pamphlet in the back of the seat in front of us anyway. Always the social butterfly, Dakota also spent a good bit of time flirting with new friends around us too.
We kept the weekend pretty low-key, making time to enjoy the Soldier Hollow Classic Sheepdog Championship, Summer Concert Series at Canyons Village, and weekly Park Silly Sunday Market in downtown Park City. We grabbed bites at High West Distillery, Wasatch Brew Pub in Park City and Over the Counter Cafe and Bohemian Brewery in Salt Lake City. We of course had to check out some local parks for Dakota to play in too. At this point we’re pretty convinced dog (or ‘dog-ga”) is Dakota’s first word she truly understands since she always — and only — says (or screams) it whenever she sees one.