An enchanted forest. A petting farm. Pony rides. Ice cream trucks. Our first pumpkin patch of the season. I’m not sure how we haven’t been to Clark’s Elioak Farm before but we’re definitely adding it to our seasonal rituals.
I especially appreciate the safety precautions the farm is taking (timed entry and reduced capacity, face masks, and social distancing enforced, etc.) I find more and more as we start to safely explore the world around us how much the pandemic has impacted both Dakota and Nora socially. At the sight of even small groups of people Nora prefers to be carried, immediately tightening her legs around my waist, and Dakota without hesitation grabs and holds onto my hand.
It makes sense. More than one third of Nora’s life has been spent primarily at home. Aside from a few months in which Alex and I used to enjoy a weekly date night, she’s never spent a waking moment not by my side. Dakota has always been cautious by nature but she used to (sometimes timidly) jump in and play with other children at playgrounds, on playdates, etc. Lately she’s exhibited a new fear of me leaving her. Sometimes she worries if I simply go upstairs without her in our own home. Both girls clearly prefer empty playgrounds.
Dakota and Nora eventually warm up to new places and faces but there is still a clear attachment to mama that perhaps wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the pandemic. A silver lining is the strong bond the two are forming with each other. Constant companions, chasing, giggling, and protecting each other.